Sloth Bear in Sri Lanka
The Big Five

Sloth Bear in Sri Lanka

The subspecies MelursusursinusInornatus, a Sloth Bear that is found in Sri Lanka, is endemic. The Sri Lankan Sloth Bear, which is approximately 3 feet tall at the shoulders and 6 feet long at the neck, is stocky and covered in long black shaggy fur. The adult male is about 140kg in weight and the female is about 95kg in stature and size. The soft pads on each paw have long, non-retractable, curved claws. They can reach as far as 4 inches. The bear has a long, blackish-white muzzle with protruding lips and bony palate. This helps in termite and ant feeding.

The Sri Lankan Sloth Bear can be found in the lowland dry forests, and the rain forest on the western slopes the central hills. It is considered a threatened species and has a population of less that 1000. This is due to the loss of natural forests, which are an important habitat for the Sloth Bear.

The Sri Lankan Sloth Bears, an omnivore, eat almost everything, including animals, plants, and insects. However, they are agile tree climbers and their favorite food is fruit, honey, termites, and bees. They prefer to be spotted in the early morning or late at night, as they are nocturnal. Sloth Bears are known to have poor vision and hearing, but a keen sense of smell.

Sloth bears are known for being solitary in nature. Females with cubs, however, may occasionally be joined by both the male and female. The Sri Lankan Sloth Bear is a mate all year. The female's gestation period lasts 210 days and it gives birth to no more than two or three cubs. These cubs can move around with their parents after a period of 30 days. They are most likely to be clinging to their mother's back for the first 30 days. They stay with their parent/s for approximately 2 to 3 years before moving out on their own.

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General Information of Sloth Bear

  • Scientific Name : Melursusursinus
  • Kingdom : Animals
  • Class : Mammalia
  • Order : Carnivora
  • Family : Ursidae
  • Genus : Melursus
  • Species : Ursinus
  • Sub Species : Inornatus
  • Weight : 120 to 310 lbs (54 to 141 kg)
  • Size : 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m); Tail, 2.7 to 4.7 in (7 to 12 cm)
  • Diet : Omnivore
  • Locations : Bhutan,India,Nepal,Sri Lanka
  • Population Trend : Decreasing
  • Conservation Status : Vulnerable

The stocky sloth bear is very tall with a long, shaggy black fur coat and a V- or Y-shaped marking on their chest. Their muzzle is a cream colour, with large prehensile lips. They also have a long tongue. They have well-developed hook-like claws on their paws, which allow them to climb trees and dig up termites. The body and head can grow up to 6 feet long and can weigh up 140 kg for a male and 95kg for a woman.

Sloth bears eat termites and ants primarily and use a well-evolved method of digging them out. The long, straight claws of sloth bears can penetrate nest mounds that may be hardened by rock with their sharp, pointed claws. After they have made a hole, their long, curved claws are used to blow out any dirt and then they suck the insects through a small gap between their front teeth. They close their noses and use their lips as a vacuum nozzle to do this.

Sloth bears eat a variety fruits, including 'Palu,' 'Weera, and other insects. They can also climb trees to reach bee hives. They also eat offal. Sloth bears are not known to eat meat, muscle or fat but they do ingest the juices of entrails and other parts.

The sloth bear is a stickler for densely forested areas with many rock outcrops, caves, and other features in Sri Lanka's dry zone. These bears can be heard making loud grunts or snorts when they are resting, as well as wandering around.

The sloth bear is an endangered species that is found in Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, India, and Sri Lanka. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species states that the Sloth Bear was first discovered in Bangladesh, but it is possible that the species has become extinct.

There are very few chances that you will see a Sri Lankan Sloth Bear at Yala National Park. You should not take a 4x4 Safari. Ask your driver or guide to provide a sighting report. National Parks are not zoos. It eats roots, berries and nuts.

It is an omnivore, meaning it can eat anything. To get to the insects beneath, they will flip over rocks and tear apart old logs. Over time, they have developed a lower lip that is used by bears to suck up insects. They make a loud hoovering noise as they do this.

This is Baloo, the Jungle Book bear. Both have long, digging claws and light-coloured noses. Sloth bears are found mainly in lowland forest, but can be seen occasionally walking along the rocky outcrops in the park.

To survive, the Sloth Bear depends on the richness of the lowland jungle forest. Its near extinction was due to its destruction as farm land. It is only found in protected areas like Yala National Park. Local farmers have hunted some bears for their food. Sloth bears are very wary of humans, and will attack you if they come within their territory.

Europeans mistook the large claws of the Sloth bear for the same genetic line as the South American Sloths when they first saw them. The mistake was quickly corrected, but the animal's name remained. Sloth Bear claws can reach up to 4 inches in length.

Female Sloth Bears are expected to search for a cave or den to give birth. This can happen at any time during the year in Sri Lanka. At 4 weeks old, the cubs are able to open their eyes and mature faster than other bears. As they walk along the forest floor and rocks, cubs can be seen holding on to their mother's backs.

In their third year, the cubs are separated from their mother and sexually mature by their third birthday. A mother will re-inject food that she ate during the day to wean her cubs from her milk and give it to her cubs. Because it hardens in sunlight, this is known as "bears bread". It contains honeycomb, jackfruit, and apples.

Although sloth bears were abundant in colonial times, their numbers and abundance have declined rapidly and dramatically due to habitat loss and hunting. The current project was started in Wilpattu National Park, which is believed to be home to one of the most significant populations of sloth bears, according to a study by Eisenberg and Lockhart in 1970.

This is the first step in an island-wide study of the Sloth Bear in Sri Lanka.National Park to determine their habitat preferences and needs. This study will help to determine the island-wide conservation strategies and efforts that are needed for the sloth bear.

Sri Lanka's only known bear species is the sloth bear. It is found primarily in lowland dry forests, where it eats nuts, berries, and insects. It is not known to kill animals. These mammals can be found in Sri Lanka's Wasgomuwa National Parks. These bears are the most difficult to spot among the "big five", so you will have to wait until they search for their favorite snack, palu fruit.

Sloth bear is an endangered species with less than 1000 individuals. The main threat to the sloth bear is its dependence on dry forests for their food supply.